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Sunday - 10AM

The latest at Abundant Joy Fellowship

Stay up to date with the happenings of Abundant Joy Fellowship by visiting our blog. Here you'll find information such as announcements and thoughts from members of our congregation to encourage you in your walk with the Lord.

The Jesus I Create

by: Jordan Merenick



In the Gospels, there is this poignant scene where Jesus asks the disciples, "Who do you think I am?" Of course, we all know this story quite well. Peter, in a flash of divine inspiration, replies, "You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God." This is, of course, the correct and most wonderful of responses. And it strikes me as quite poignant that even after all the disciples had witnessed at this juncture, only one out of the twelve responded with this affirmation abou

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I can't give You rest because You are my rest

by: Anonymous



I can't give You rest because You are my rest.

I couldn't offer You favor because I found my favor in You.

I have no peace to give You because my peace comes when You pour it over me like oil.

I can't give You healing because I have never received one stripe.

I can't give You joy because without You I have none to offer. 

I have no strength to provide You because You are my strength. And what good would one man's strength be to you anyways...?

I can't give You riches because the

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by: Gina Plocki



"The Lord's prayer," is something we as Christians have heard and often recited repeatedly in our walk of faith. I don't know why they call it the Lord's prayer, when we know from the Scriptures this is the model the Lord used to teach His disciples about prayer. Some call it the "Our Father." Regardless of its title, this prayer is central to the Christian faith.

For most of my life when praying this prayer, it became a little more of something I memorized and spewed back

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Turn on the Light!

by: Janis Dortenzo



*Gray and cloudy days.

*The end of another year.

*Feelings of sadness from reflecting on the prayers that have not been answered or the circumstances that haven't changed.

*Facing a new year with the same old challenges.

I hesitated to submit this and didn't even pick up my pen to write until now. After hearing a testimony/exhortation about loving God more than _____ (you fill in the blank) and reading Jordan's excellent, honest words, I thought, just do it!

Waking up a couple

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I Don't Love Jesus That Much

by: Jordan Merenick



In Matthew 19:16-22, Jesus meets a young ruler. I'm sure you know the story. The rich young ruler is a righteous and very wealthy man. He asks Jesus about what he can do to gain eternal life. Jesus gives Him two commands. Firstly, love the Lord your God, and secondly, love your neighbor as yourself.

This pleased the young man immensely. He eagerly responds by saying that he has done all these things since he was a small boy. Jesus then, in verse 21, states, "If you want to

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Alignment: READY. AIM. FIRE!

by: Cathy Blythe



A Declaration from Sunday Morning Service, 1/5/2025 at AJF

Heavenly Father, Loving Creator, the Lover of my soul, as I step into this new year, let me turn my heart to You in deep trust, surrender, and love.

Give me wisdom to recognize Your presence within me, the strength to align my actions with Your will, and the faith to trust Your plan.

Help me release fear and doubt and walk boldly in the light of my purpose. I want to be a vessel of Your grace, bringing peace, joy, lig

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Lay Your Weapons Down

by: Jordan Merenick



There is a verse, a wee little one in the gospels, that isn't particularly cool or charismatic enough for a bumper sticker/throw pillow. I think it is super under-appreciated in today's Christianity. Any guesses? I'll give you a hint. 

It's in the Gospel of John. Nope, not John 3:16, the most wonderful verse of all time. No, the passage I want to discuss with you is way more obscure and obtuse than that particular one. The verse is John 18:11.

Do you know it? If not, it's ok

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Mighty God - We have a Hero!

by: Cathy Blythe



And His Name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

Isaiah 9:6

I've been teaching from Isaiah 9:6 and the prophetic Name of the coming Messiah. This past week was Mighty God. I gotta say, it was so fun and encouraging doing this study.

Sunday morning, I woke up singing the song, "I need a hero!"

How many of you have seen a Marvel movie? Greg loved the Marvel movies - we had every single one on DVD. Everyone loves a superhero, righ

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by: Janis Dortenzo






From the Father: TRY My love. It is patient, kind, not jealous, not bragging, or arrogant. It does not act unbecomingly or seek its own. It is not provoked or take into account a wrong suffered. (ouch!) Not rejoicing in unrighteousness but does rejoice with the truth. It bears, believes, hopes, and endures all things. My love never fails. Try My love. It was made for you. I took the risk Myself and I have never been happier. It is a risk

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Disappointed in Seeing Jesus

by: Jordan Merenick



Leo Tolstoy, the famous Russian author of War and Peace, during his last years increasingly turned his attention to writing tales that were faith-based. One in particular, Shoemaker Martin, is particularly moving. In this tale, an old shoemaker by the name of Martin has a dream where he is convinced that he is actually going to see Jesus this one Christmas Eve. Naturally, he gets excited and cleans his dusty old shop, making it picture perfect. He also sets two bowls on hi

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A Piece of Our Story

by: Justine McArdle



We moved to Brackenridge many years ago, when our children were still quite young. 

Abundant Joy Fellowship was then called Dayspring Christian Center and located very close to us. I can remember wondering if they had a pre-school in there for my kids. I also remember going over to Dayspring to see if they might have diapers.

You see, I was out of money, with no diapers, and two kids that still wore them.

I entered the building and Pastor Cathy came out to help me. She was ve

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Jesus's Zeal for His Temple

by: Janis Dortenzo



John 2:13-22

Now the Passover of the Jews was approaching, so Jesus went up to Jerusalem. And in the temple He found the people who were selling oxen and sheep and doves, and the money changers sitting at their tables. He made a whip of cords, and drove them all out of the temple, with the sheep and the oxen; and He scattered the coins of the money changers and overturned their tables; then to those who sold the doves He said, "Take these things away! Stop making My Father’

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Strength and Weakness

by: Nathaniel Lanham



2 Corinthians 12:9

And He said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness." Most gladly therefore, I would rather boast about my weakness, that the power of Christ may dwell in me.

Weakness is not sin. Weakness is the resting place that God's Power (Grace) wants to establish itself upon, within our lives. Don't think the enemy doesn't pay any attention to that relationship between our weakness and God's rightful resting place upon that w

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The Power of Love

by: Cathy Blythe



In these days of division and war, I am calling My Bride to demonstrate the way of love and unity. Resist feeling overwhelmed by what is playing out on the world's stage. The enemy is inciting the world to hatred and rage, but I came to draw ALL men to myself. I am the great I AM. I am God enthroned, the Sovereign One. My Kingdom is an eternal one and it will remain.

The time has come for the Body of Christ to be completely healed and to break the partnerships with the spir

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Welcome to the new AJF Website!

by: Kristina Waldenville



Hi there! We are happy you're here! Take a few moments to look around our website. If you are a member of AJF and you haven't yet created a login, please take a moment to do so by clicking Login at the top right of the page to request an account. 

In the meantime, we'd love for you to explore all of the features of our new site. This will be a new hub to return to for all upcoming events and updates about what is going on at Abundant Joy Fellowship.

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