David's Mighty Men


Sunday - 10AM

 March 03, 2025

 6:00 PM

 411 E 1st Ave, Tarentum, PA 15084

Our men's group gathers every other week to help one another through prayer, ministry, and connection. We are a group of Christ followers with a focus of spurring one another on to be the family leaders that God designed us to be.

The Word says that many joined David in the wilderness. They became a loyal army of about 400 men, and some of these brave followers accomplished great things on David's behalf. They're described in 2 Samuel 23:8 as David's "Mighty Men."

Just as David's men became loyal to a cause and did many great things in honor of that cause, our men gather to become great for the cause of being Christ-like examples that our community can follow in the years ahead. We gather to be men of God that invite His strength to be held high in our areas of weakness. We gather to be the husbands and fathers that are so vital for the health and wellbeing of the homes God has entrusted us to lead.

We gather to welcome God's presence into our lives so that we may know His character and be forever changed as we experience our great Creator's love for His sons.

If you are a man who is interested in gathering with other men who are trying to be all God has created them to be, we would love to have you join us.